mole national park

The African Bush Elephant

Moses of the wilderness talks as we follow tracks in Mole National Park. He is a a wealth of knowledge.

He describes the African bush elephant’s keen sense of smell.

“If someone tries to hurt him, he will take the smell. If that person comes back again, even after many years, twenty years maybe, the elephant will remember and attack him.”

I try to remember what I ate for breakfast. (Pause.) It is already a lost cause.

Moses in the Wilderness

We stand on a bluff overlooking the largest wildlife refuge in the country of Ghana. Mole (MOH-Lay) National Park unrolls under our feet, soft and green in the rainy season. Life abounds in this savanna wilderness: baboons, warthogs, birds, crocodiles, antelope, and snakes await the curious traveler, as do lions. But we have driven a long and difficult road looking for an even more majestic beast: the African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana).