He played at the piano to keep warm

We arose and followed the forested trail into a tidy town. It was known as Burguete, or Auritz in the Basque tongue. The sun was also rising. Most everyone else was slumbering though, save a small cat that offered Bob and me a generous welcome. This self-appointed mayor circled, arched, and rubbed in as cats often do when the air is full of breakfast.

He blowd his brains out his ears

He blowd his brains out his ears

The descent into Spain is rugged. The bright pastures of the sommets des pyrénées slip downslope, gradually at first, then furiously, precipitously, until they tumble into dense beech forests. Bob and I do the same. Spattered by mud, decorated with leaves, and swathed in shadow, we appreciate the epic Song of Roland.

The James Gang

The James Gang

Scholars have gone bald in the effort to identify the James Gang in the pages of the New Testament. Since I am losing hairs for other reasons, I'll let others tease out the details. Our focus is to identify the three "biggies."

A chain of whispered stories

A chain of whispered stories

The Pyrénées do not look imposing on a map. But don’t be fooled. This mountain chain between France and Spain is ancient, steep, and full of whispered stories.



Bob and I pulled on our packs and stepped to the asphalt below. We were too giddy to realize the scope of the trade. By means of that step we exchanged a futuristic mode of transport for the most primal form of all: our own feet.

First touch

First touch

The Tower of Saint James in Paris, France, is impressive. Its architecture is pure gothic in style, with all the ribs and nubbins favored by pigeons. It rises 203 feet from the base to the noggin of Saint James who teeters on top. This tower was our first touch with the Camino de Santiago.

Christian HolyLand Foundation

The Christian HolyLand Foundation (CHLF) works to foster faith in northern Israel. This recently released video captures the dream of several of these individuals who are laboring in the present for the future.

Bible Land Explorer is partnering with the leadership of CHLF to visit these folks, February 1-12, 2022. Our goals are to become acquainted with the team members, to learn firsthand of their successes and challenges, to pray with them, worship with them, and explore the place where faith begins. If you are interested in touring Galilee in a fresh way, contact me at markziese.com and we can help make it happen.

To learn more about the CHLF, visit their website here.

It's like I haven't seen you in forever.

It has been a long time. Too long. We’ve been cooped up at home, dreaming of family, friends, and travel. Vicki is ready to break out. Might you be ready as well?

This early summer 2022 adventure may not be your first post-Covid trip, but it has the potential to be your most memorable. We’re steaming (so to speak!) aboard the Celebrity Infinity to Italy, Greece, and Turkey on this Mediterranean Cruise. I’ll be our “lecturer at sea.” We’ll have local guides meet us at each port. Together, we’ll explore the New Testament arena.

For more details see the brochure below. Click the black box directly below to download the skinny. Of course you can always holler at me directly (markziese@gmail.com) if you have questions.

Discover the place where faith begins!


Farm of Dream

Farm of Dream

The Farm of Dream is a lodge nestled in purple hills above the Great Rift Valley. The nearby town, Karatu, is conveniently positioned between Lake Manyara and Ngorongoro Crater. Knobby-tyred rigs like TIK regularly rattle down its mudded street like a military convoy. Karatu’s nickname, unsurprisingly, is “Safari Junction.”

A Christmas card

A Christmas card

What a year! We saw lions rise from the tall grass to begin the hunt. We listened to the soaring of prayers and the whistle of an icy wind rising over the cusp of Kilimanjaro. We sang carols in the church where Jesus was born. We walked across Galilee—twice. And we stroked the face of the dying.

A good park for beginners

A good park for beginners

The sign at the entrance read “Home of Tree Climbing Lions.”

I thought it best to keep one eye skyward at all times. Having 400 pounds of tooth and claw fall on your head would be terrible surprise. It also would make an end to a lovely safari that Vicki and I and Mr Nixon had planned in the East African country of Tanzania.

Something awful or wonderful

Something awful or wonderful

“Something, or something awful or something wonderful was certain to happen on every day in this part of Africa. Every morning when you woke it was as exciting as though you were going to compete in a downhill ski race or drive a bobsled on a fast run. Something, you knew, would happen, and probably before eleven o’clock.”

One full bus, many full hearts

One full bus, many full hearts

The challenge of moving 48 people through the land of the Bible is felt most acutely in Jerusalem’s Old City. Here, the rhythm of life lived within these walls collides with the press of new arrivals. Together, residents and pilgrims rush, gawk, worship, shop and gossip. The result can be chaotic, or at least have that appearance for first-timers. There is no tutorial for this school; one must simply dive in.