Speaking engagements (and some recordings)
January 27-28, 2016. "The Galilee of Jesus" and "The Jesus Trail." Florida Bible Conference. 9:00-10:00 am on Wednesday and Thursday. First Christian Church of Kissimmee, Kissimmee, Florida.
March 8-11, 2016. "Archaeology in the New Testament World." 8:00 am - 5:00 pm daily. Colegio Bíblico, Piedras Negras, Mexico.
March 20 (Palm Sunday), 2016. "The Song they Sang." First Christian Church of Titusville. Titusville, Florida. Listen here.
March, 2016. Colegio Bíblico, Piedras Negras, Mexico.
June 5, 2016. Sunday Sermon. Englewood Christian Church. Jacksonville, Florida.
June 26, 2016. Sunday Sermon. First Christian Church of Titusville. Titusville, Florida.
July 24, 2016. Archaeology and the Bible. Turner Christian Church, Turner, Oregon.
November 11-12, 2016. Keynote speaker for the 10th Annual International Christian Evidences Conference. York College, Nebraska.
November 27, 2016. Sunday Sermon. First Christian Church of Titusville. Titusville, Florida.
January 24-26, 2017. "Acts, Archaeology, and Asia Minor." Florida Bible Conference. First Christian Church of Kissimmee, Kissimmee, Florida.
February 7, 2017. "Nick at Night (John 3)." Chapel Sermon, Johnson University Florida. Kissimmee, Florida. Watch the video here.
April 25, 2017. Baccalaureate Speaker. Johnson University Florida. Kissimmee, Florida.
August 12, 2017. "Places of the Bible." Men's Forum. The Memphis Church. Cordova, Tennessee.
December 17, 2017. "Mary's Story" (Luke 1:26-38). New Hope Christian Church. Roanoke, Virginia. Listen to the audio recording here.
Mark presents details of the book of Acts at the theater of Caesarea-by-the-sea. Image captured by Adrienne Griffin.
April 24, 2018. Baccalaureate Speaker. Johnson University Florida. Kissimmee, Florida.
September 30, 2018. Crossings Knoxville. Downtown Knoxville, Tennessee. Listen to recording here (Click on Sept 30).
November 4, 2018. Sunday Sermon. Lighthouse Christian Church. Powell, Tennessee.
December 2, 2018. Sunday Sermon. New Hope Christian Church. Roanoke, Virginia.
October 11-13, 2019. Weekend in the dirt. Archaeological talks at Peebles Church of Christ, Peebles, Ohio.